Treatment protocol in accordance with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: our specialists are guided only by evidence-based protocols and the latest research. You can be sure of the expediency of appointments and diagnosis.
Online consultation = a full-fledged appointment: taking an anamnesis, discussing symptoms, prescribing additional studies and their interpretation, the attitude of a preliminary diagnosis. Appointment of prescriptions and issuance of sick leave. Everything is like at a hospital appointment with a doctor, without queues, the risk of contact with potentially sick people, nerves and loss of time.
All specialists are full-time with real practice experience: our family doctors constantly practice offline. Experience in providing online medical services since 2017. The right questions, detailed history taking, attentiveness to your words and competent assessment help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
Accurate assessment of health risks and a holistic understanding of the disease: if necessary, the family doctor will refer you to a specialist with a narrow profile for a quick solution to the problem without wasting time.
Comprehensive approach: we provide simultaneous treatment of both acute and chronic conditions of the patient. Our body is a holistic system that requires an integrated approach on the way to health.
Distance is not a hindrance: you will receive the necessary assistance even in the most remote corners of the country or abroad.
Convenient application for quality medical care: easy to use, intuitive medical application that will help you quickly contact your doctor.